How I grow dragon fruit using tires, no need for a garden but too many fruits

Growing dragon fruit (Pitaya) using old tires is a creative and space-efficient way to cultivate this tropical fruit. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to grow dragon fruit in tires:

Materials you will need:

  1. Dragon fruit cuttings or young plants (usually obtained from a nursery or by rooting cuttings)
  2. Old car tires (the number of tires depends on how many plants you want to grow)
  3. Well-draining potting mix or cactus/succulent mix
  4. Organic compost or well-rotted manure
  5. Wooden posts or stakes (for support)
  6. Garden twine or soft ties
  7. Fertilizer suitable for cacti or succulents
  8. Optional: plastic sheeting or mulch

How I grow dragon fruit using tires, no need for a garden but too many  fruits - YouTube


  1. Select a suitable location: Choose a sunny and sheltered location for your dragon fruit tires. Dragon fruit plants require at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily to thrive.
  2. Prepare the tires: Lay the old car tires flat on the ground, ensuring they are clean and free from any debris. You can stack multiple tires to create more growing space if desired.
  3. Fill the tires with potting mix: Add a mixture of well-draining potting mix and organic compost or well-rotted manure to each tire. Fill them to about two-thirds full, leaving some space for planting the dragon fruit cuttings.
  4. Plant the dragon fruit cuttings: Plant the dragon fruit cuttings or young plants in the center of each tire, leaving a small portion of the stem above the soil level. Ensure that the cuttings are positioned vertically and evenly spaced.
  5. Provide support: Dragon fruit plants are climbing cacti and require support. Install wooden posts or stakes around the tires, and use garden twine or soft ties to create a trellis system for the plants to climb. Make sure the trellis is tall enough to accommodate the eventual height of the dragon fruit vines.
  6. Watering: Water the dragon fruit plants regularly, keeping the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Dragon fruit plants prefer slightly humid conditions, so you can also mist the plants with water during dry periods.
  7. Fertilize: Apply a balanced fertilizer suitable for cacti or succulents according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Fertilize during the growing season (spring through summer) to encourage healthy growth and flowering.
  8. Optional mulching: You can apply a layer of plastic sheeting or mulch around the tires to conserve moisture and regulate soil temperature. This can help create a more stable microclimate for your dragon fruit plants.
  9. Pruning: Prune the dragon fruit vines as needed to control their growth and encourage branching. This can help prevent overcrowding and promote better fruit production.
  10. Harvesting: Dragon fruit typically takes several months to a year to produce fruit. Once the fruit is ripe, you can harvest it by cutting it from the vine.

Growing dragon fruit in tires is an innovative way to cultivate this exotic fruit, and it allows you to maximize space and create an attractive garden feature. With proper care and attention to sunlight, water, and support, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of dragon fruit.

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