8 Best Plants to Grow in Water

Houseplants have always held a special place in our hearts, bringing nature’s beauty into our homes. While traditional soil-based gardening has its charm, there’s an exciting and low-maintenance alternative that’s gaining popularity – hydroponic houseplants. In this article, we will explore the art of growing houseplants in water, from choosing the right plants to providing the ideal environment for their growth.

  1. Hydroponic Houseplants: An Easy and Elegant Choice: Many houseplants thrive when grown in water, making them an ideal choice for indoor gardening enthusiasts. The benefits of hydroponic houseplants are numerous: they require less care, are less susceptible to pests and diseases, and don’t need frequent watering.
  2. Getting Started with Hydroponic Houseplants: To embark on your hydroponic journey, you can start with mature plants or cuttings previously grown in soil. While both methods yield favorable results, using cuttings can save you time and eliminate the risk of the plant struggling to adapt to water-based life. Simply ensure that the stems are submerged while the leaves remain above water.
  3. Light Requirements for Hydroponic Houseplants: Proper lighting is crucial for the success of your hydroponic houseplants. While direct sunlight can be too intense and lead to overheating of the water, indirect light is the key. To prevent algae growth, consider using opaque or dark-colored containers. Position your plants in a bright, sunny spot in your home, away from drafty areas to maintain optimal water temperature.
  4. Providing Nutrients with Fertilizers: A common concern when growing plants in water is how they receive essential nutrients. Fortunately, specialized hydroponic fertilizers are readily available to meet these needs. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer container for established plants, ensuring they thrive in a nutrient-rich environment.
  5. The Marvelous World of Hydroponic Houseplants: Now, let’s explore some captivating hydroponic houseplant options:

1. Peace lily

One of the most popular hydroponic growing options. This tropical aroid is a classic houseplant because of its easy care and beautiful white flowers, and it grows well in water. Provide your plants with bright, indirect light and extra nutrients so they bloom most of the year.

2. Lucky bamboo

Did you know that Lucky Bamboo is not actually a real bamboo? It belongs to the extremely popular houseplant genus Dracaena, which also includes dracaena and corn plants.

When it comes to aquatic plants, lucky bamboo is the first choice. In fact, you will almost never see them for sale while grown in soil. I’ve been growing a few plants in a simple vase for years, but I’ve never thought about adding fertilizer!

3. Pothos

Yes, the classic pothos, everyone’s favorite low-maintenance houseplant, is a great choice for hydroponic growing. Since it’s a vine, you can cut a piece off anywhere on the stem and place it in a pretty vase to root.

It may not be the fastest growing, but it can handle low light conditions like a champ. There are many different varieties to choose from: try ‘N’Joy’, ‘Marble Queen’, ‘Manjula’, or just the classic golden-speckled pothos.

4. Anthurium

I’m seeing more and more houseplant and home decor stores selling water flamingo flowers, and it’s easy to see why. This popular alocasia, also called anthurium, produces colorful, waxy flowers that contrast beautifully with its white roots when stored in clear containers.

5. Monstera adansonii

The classic large-leaved Monstera deliciosa may not be the best choice for aquatic plants because it is too bulky, but its smaller relative Monstera deliciosa is a good choice.

This species, also known as Swiss Cheese Vine, has similar perforate leaves (leaves with holes) but does not grow as clumsily as its larger relatives. Roots in water and grows easily.

6.Tradescantia zebrina

Like the purple dew plant, the inch plant of the genus Viola (also known as the wandering jew plant) is one of the strongest, fastest-growing, and fastest-rooting houseplants on the market.

Because these plants are so easy to grow, it’s no surprise that they thrive in water as well. Their pink, purple and silver leaves look beautiful in a simple vase! For added embellishment, choose from the three-color version.

7. Begonia

You may have begonias growing on your patio or patio; these plants add a pop of color to container gardens and are a summer favorite. With their waxy leaves and succulent stems, they also make a great houseplant.

You can grow waxy begonias, tuber begonias, angel wing begonias or king begonias in water. For wax begonias, cut off the stem and place it in water. For tuberous begonias, angel wing begonias and rex begonias, single leaves with stems create a simple, elegant display.

8. Spider plant

The spider plant is another long-standing classic houseplant that, for some reason, no one puts in water. In fact, it is an excellent choice for hydroponic cultivation.

This species has low light requirements and does not require much light to grow. Additionally, offsets are created for easy separation. Grow your own army of hydroponic houseplants to keep or give as gifts!

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