How to Plant a Mango Seed and Grow It Successfully in a Pot

  • Seed Extraction: Start with a ripe mango. After consuming the fruit, remove the large pit. Clean the pulp and let it dry for a day or two.
  • Open the shell: Carefully use a knife to open the shell. Inside you will find the seed itself. Make sure the seed looks healthy and has no damage or mold.

2. Germination:

  • Paper towel method:
  • Dampen a paper towel and squeeze out excess water.
  • Wrap the mango seed in the damp towel.
  • Place the wrapped seeds in a plastic bag or container, keeping it in a warm place.
  • Check the seeds regularly to make sure the paper towel remains moist and to see if germination has occurred.

3. Selection of pots and planting:

  • Choosing the right pot: Opt for a large pot, at least 10-12 inches in diameter, with ample drainage holes.
  • Soil Requirements: Use a well-draining potting mix, preferably with a mix of perlite and compost for organic matter.
  • Plant: If you have germinated the seed using the paper towel method, once the roots measure a couple of centimeters, it is ready to be planted. Plant the seed shallowly, with the hump (ridge) facing up. For those who prefer direct sowing in the pot without prior germination, insert the seed with the ridge facing up and cover it lightly with soil.

4. Irrigation, electricity and fertilization:

  • Watering: Water constantly, making sure the top layer of soil dries out between waterings. Overwatering can cause root rot.
  • Light: Mangoes crave sunlight. Place your pot where it can receive at least 6-8 hours of sunlight daily. If you are in a region with strong sunlight, afternoon shade may be beneficial.
  • Fertilization: A few weeks after planting, start using a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and be careful not to overfertilize.

5. Transplant and pruning:

  • Transplant: As the tree grows, it may outgrow its pot. Consider changing to a larger pot when you see roots coming out of the drainage holes.
  • Pruning: Regularly pruning your mango tree will help it maintain its size, especially when grown in a pot. Focus on creating a balanced canopy and removing any dead or unhealthy branches.

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