How To Plant Aloe vera from Leaf Cuttings

Planting Aloe vera from leaf cuttings is a simple and effective way to propagate new Aloe plants. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Materials you will need:

  1. Healthy Aloe vera plant
  2. Clean, sharp knife or scissors
  3. Pot or container with drainage holes
  4. Well-draining potting mix (cactus or succulent mix works well)
  5. Optional: Rooting hormone (not usually necessary for Aloe vera)
  6. Watering can or spray bottle


  1. Select a healthy leaf: Choose a mature, healthy Aloe vera leaf for the cutting. Make sure it’s free from any signs of disease or damage.
  2. Prepare the leaf cutting: Use a clean, sharp knife or scissors to cut the selected leaf close to the base of the plant. You want to take a clean cut without damaging the plant’s main stem.
  3. Let the cutting dry (optional): Some gardeners recommend allowing the cut end of the leaf to dry and callus for a day or two. While this step is optional for Aloe vera, it can help prevent rot when planting.
  4. Prepare the pot: Fill a pot or container with well-draining potting mix. A cactus or succulent mix works well because it provides good drainage, which is essential for Aloe vera.
  5. Plant the Aloe vera cutting: Plant the cut end of the Aloe vera leaf about 1-2 inches deep into the potting mix. Ensure that the leaf is planted vertically, with the cut end facing downward. You can plant multiple cuttings in the same pot, leaving enough space between them.
  6. Water lightly: Water the potting mix lightly after planting to settle it around the cutting. Avoid overwatering at this stage; Aloe vera prefers slightly dry conditions.
  7. Place in indirect light: Put the pot in a location with bright, indirect sunlight. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight, as intense sunlight can scorch the young cutting.
  8. Wait for roots to develop: Over time, the Aloe vera cutting will start developing roots. This can take a few weeks to a couple of months. During this period, it’s essential to be patient and not disturb the cutting.
  9. Water sparingly: Once the cutting has developed roots and starts to grow, you can water it sparingly. Allow the top inch or so of the potting mix to dry out between waterings.
  10. Transplant if needed: As the Aloe vera plant grows and outgrows its pot, you can transplant it into a larger container or into your garden if the weather conditions are suitable.
  11. Provide regular care: Continue to care for your Aloe vera plant by providing bright, indirect light, proper watering, and occasional feeding with a balanced, diluted fertilizer (during the growing season).

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