How to grow lemon trees from lemon leaves – With 100% Success.

Growing lemon trees from lemon leaves can be a fun project, but it’s important to note that success rates are not always 100%. While it’s possible to propagate lemon trees from leaves, the success rate can vary due to factors like the age of the leaf, the health of the parent tree, and environmental conditions. However, following these steps can increase your chances of success:

Materials you will need:

  1. Fresh, healthy lemon leaves (young leaves with no signs of disease or pests)
  2. Small pots or containers with drainage holes
  3. Well-draining potting mix (a mix of perlite and peat moss works well)
  4. Rooting hormone (optional but can improve success rates)
  5. A clear plastic bag or plastic wrap
  6. A misting spray bottle
  7. A bright, indirect light source

How to grow lemon trees from leaves - With 100% Successful result - YouTube


  1. Select healthy leaves: Choose young and healthy lemon leaves from a mature lemon tree. Avoid leaves that are too old or damaged.
  2. Prepare the leaf cutting: Using clean scissors or a sharp knife, cut a healthy leaf into sections, each about 2-3 inches long. Make sure that each section has a portion of the leaf vein in the middle.
  3. Rooting hormone (optional): While not necessary, dipping the cut end of the leaf section in rooting hormone can improve your chances of success. Follow the instructions on the rooting hormone product for proper usage.
  4. Plant the leaf sections: Fill small pots or containers with well-draining potting mix. Insert the cut end of each leaf section into the soil, burying it about 1 inch deep. Make sure the leaf vein is in contact with the soil.
  5. Mist and cover: Lightly mist the soil to moisten it without saturating it. Then, cover each pot with a clear plastic bag or plastic wrap to create a mini greenhouse effect. This helps maintain humidity around the leaf sections.
  6. Provide indirect light: Place the pots in a location with bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves. A north-facing windowsill or under fluorescent lights can work well.
  7. Maintain humidity: Mist the inside of the plastic bag or plastic wrap daily to keep the humidity levels high. This will encourage the development of roots.
  8. Be patient: Lemon leaves can take several weeks to several months to produce roots, and not all leaf sections may succeed. Keep an eye on them, but avoid disturbing the pots unnecessarily.
  9. Transplant: Once you notice root growth and see new leaves developing, you can transplant the young lemon plants into larger containers or your garden. Handle them gently to avoid damaging the delicate roots.
  10. Care for your young plants: Continue to care for your newly propagated lemon plants by providing well-draining soil, regular watering (allow the soil to dry slightly between watering), and proper sunlight. Lemon trees prefer full sun or at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day.

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