How to plant a mango seedling and grow it successfully in a pot

Mangoes, with their sweet, juicy flesh, are a tropical delight cherished by many. But did you know that you can grow your own mango tree right in a pot, even in non-tropical climates? Yes, it’s possible, and here’s how you can do it step by step.

### 1. Seed Extraction:
Start with a ripe mango. After enjoying the fruit, extract the large seed. Clean off the pulp and let it dry for one to two days.

### 2. Opening the Shell:
Carefully use a knife to open the shell. Inside, you’ll find the actual seed. Make sure the seed looks healthy without any damage or mold.

### 3. Germination:
Paper Towel Method:
– Dampen a paper towel and squeeze out excess water.
– Wrap the mango seed in the damp towel.
– Place the wrapped seeds in a plastic bag or container, keeping it in a warm place.
– Regularly check the seeds to ensure the paper towel remains moist and to observe germination progress.

### 4. Pot Selection and Planting:
Choosing the Right Pot:
Opt for a large pot, at least 10-12 inches in diameter, with ample drainage holes.
Soil Requirements:
Use well-draining potting mix, preferably a blend of perlite and compost for organic matter.
If you germinated the seed using the paper towel method, once roots are a couple of centimeters long, it’s ready to plant. Plant the seed shallowly, with the hump (crest) facing upwards. For direct pot planting without prior germination, place the seed with the crest up and lightly cover it with soil.

### 5. Watering, Light, and Fertilization:
Consistently water, ensuring the top layer of soil dries between waterings. Overwatering can lead to root rot.
Mango trees crave sunlight. Position your pot where it can get at least 6-8 hours of sunlight daily. If in a region with intense sunlight, afternoon shade may be beneficial.
A few weeks after planting, start using a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer. Follow manufacturer instructions and avoid over-fertilizing.

### 6. Transplanting and Pruning:
As the tree grows, it may outgrow its pot. Consider moving to a larger pot when roots start emerging from drainage holes.
Regular pruning helps maintain tree size, especially in pots. Focus on creating a balanced canopy and removing dead or unhealthy branches.

### Conclusion:
Growing a mango tree in a pot brings the joy of tropical gardening to even small spaces. While it may take some years before you see fruit, caring for the tree is a rewarding journey itself. With care and patience, you can enjoy the lush beauty of a mango tree and even its sweet fruit from your balcony or patio.

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